Оn the Ability of Bacteriochlorophyll a to Generate Singlet Oxygen upon Photoexcitation in Aqueous Environment

  • Alexander A. Krasnovsky, Jr. ФИЦ Биотехнологии РАН
  • Anton S. Benditkis ФИЦ Биотехнологии РАН
  • Anton S. Kozlov ФИЦ Биотехнологии РАН
Ключевые слова: бактериохлорофилл a, феналенон, мезо-тетра(п-сульфонатофенил)порфирин (ТСФП), синглетный кислород, фосфоресценция, метод химических ловушек, тушение, фотодинамическая терапия (ФДТ)


The quantum yields of singlet oxygen generation (Ф) photosensitized by bacteriochlorophyll a have been measured in diethyl ether and aqueous (D2O and H2O) dispersions, in which hydrophobic bacteriochlorophyll molecules are solubilized by a detergent Triton X-100. According to the absorption spectra, bacteriochlorophyll molecules are monomeric in all samples studied. For measurements, both detection of photosensitized phosphorescence of singlet oxygen at 1270 nm and singlet oxygen trapping by 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran were applied. In ether, both methods gave the highest quantum yields (Ф=0.60±0.05) and slightly lower Ф=0.3‒0.4 was obtained in micellar dispersions in deuterium oxide. The lowest, but still reasonable, value of Ф was found in aqueous (H2O) dispersions (Ф=0.12±0.02). In detergent-free water, where aggregated pigment molecules predominate, 1O2 generation was not detected. Generation of 1O2  was always accompanied by active quenching of 1O2  by bacteriochlorophyll with the rate constants kq=(1.4‒2.2)·109 M-1s-1. The data indicate that monomeric bacteriochlorophyll molecules actively photosensitize generation of 1O2 in organic solvents and do not lose this ability in aqueous environment, which most likely determines photodynamic action and PDT by bacteriochlorophyll and its derivatives.


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Как цитировать
Krasnovsky, Jr., A., Benditkis, A., & Kozlov, A. (2024). Оn the Ability of Bacteriochlorophyll a to Generate Singlet Oxygen upon Photoexcitation in Aqueous Environment. Макрогетероциклы/Macroheterocycles, 17(2), 58-64. https://doi.org/10.6060/mhc245924k